Principal Podiatry treat’s a wide range of foot and lower leg conditions common (and some not so common) with children. Our podiatrists are able to identify normal development milestones within children and advise and prescribe only as intervention is required.
The most common childhood concerns that present to Principal Podiatry are related to walking. During development and growth, parents may notice issues with their child’s alignment most of which can be treated simply with conservative treatment by the physician at Principal Podiatry.
Some common conditions include:
Flat feet
Rigid/ stiff feet
Limb length differences
Reduced coordination
Reduced muscle tone
Children becoming easily fatigued when walking
Overuse Injuries:
Sever’s disease (Heel Pain)
Osgood-Shlatter’s disease (Knee Pain)
Perthe's disease (Hip Pain)
If you have any concerns with your child’s foot, leg or walking, contact Principal Podiatry to book a full children’s assessment with our qualified and experienced podiatrists. Consultations are currently available at the Banyo clinic. Call 32675473 now to make an appointment.
If you feel comfortable, we may ask you to walk on the treadmill. Please bring appropriate shoes.